Truck Show

Truck Show

The Truck Show is held Saturday on the northern side of the airstrip on the grass circle. Access to the show is via the Main Entrance.

All trucks participating are asked to be parked prior to 8am on Saturday morning.

Trucks will be judged on Saturday and trophies presented on Saturday night at approximately 6pm on the Main Stage.

Truck Show Enquiries – Tony Hopkins: 0419 600 560

Entry per truck is $10 (which includes admission for whoever is on board). Volunteers will be on site to direct Truck Show entries. Please refer to site map. 

You will receive an exhibitor wristband to show you are part of the Show. 

We'd love to see you there. 

Trophies will be presented for: 

1. Best Vintage (Truck) 

2. Best Classic (Truck)

3. Best Modern (Truck)

4. Truck of the Show


Due to the regulations of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority NO DOGS are permitted on the grounds, including camping areas. This is because there is a risk of the dog entering the airfield/airstrip and jeopardising the safety of aircraft, pilots and the public. Anyone not adhering to the regulations will be required to leave without refund of admission/camping fees. Thank you for adhering to CASA’s regulations.